Welcome to the Megan Johns Photography blog. You've come to the right place if you're interested in learning to improve your family photography skills. Here I'll share tips and tricks on photography and family photojournalism. Please feel free to leave a comment or send me an email with any questions you need answered.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

From pixels to paper - My first POTD book!

It's been way too long since I've made time to post anything on this blog but here's a little of what I've been up to instead of blogging...  With the arrival of Baby #2 coming up very soon we have been working hard to get everything ready for him/her.  Evan's new "blue room" has been rearranged, painted, and decorated (the baby will eventually occupy his current "green room").  The newborn clothes have been washed.  The car seat is installed and ready to go.  My hospital bag is (finally) packed.  And somehow I managed to get Patrick to clean the spilled juice, goldfish crackers, and beach sand from the inside and out of my car!  Also in the last month I've (barely) managed to keep Evan fed, entertained, and rested between my own feeble attempts at rest and sleep.  Now I'm trying to be patient as I wait out the final days of my pregnancy - this is only made harder by Patrick constantly saying "I wish the baby would come tonight".  Well dear... while you are sound asleep (and snoring BTW), and I'm gettting up to pee for the 3rd time, I have the exact same thought!  Needless to say we both can't wait for Baby #2 to get here!

On to the subject of photography... In my last post I talked about the POTD (photo of the day) concept and just how how far that can go to improve your photography and your sanity.  Here's an example of how I put my POTD work to good use.  I used all of my 2010 POTD images and the captions that I posted to create this awesome 120 page hardcover book for our family.  It was so great to have the POTD images at my disposal for this project.  I was able to tell the book software to organize all of the images by date and had it automatically add them into my layouts.  Then I copied in the captions.  Can you believe that I was able to design a whole book with a full year's worth of photos within a matter of a few hours? Thank you POTD project!  Having something like this completed makes me look forward to getting older so that I can look back at these currently fresh memories and see them with a different perspective that only time will bring.

Just in case you were wondering... I designed and printed my book through Blurb and I'm pleased with how it turned out. Our 2009 book is in the works now.  If you're interested, you can see the whole 2010 book here.