Welcome to the Megan Johns Photography blog. You've come to the right place if you're interested in learning to improve your family photography skills. Here I'll share tips and tricks on photography and family photojournalism. Please feel free to leave a comment or send me an email with any questions you need answered.

About Megan

That's me!  Well, not the silly looking one, the one behind the camera.  That's where I can be found anytime someone in my family is doing something worth remembering.  Sound familiar? Then I hope you'll hang around awhile and I'll show you some of the tips and tricks I've picked up along my journey into photography.

Since I guess this page is supposed to be "about me", here's what you should know...

I love photography for two reasons
1.  It allows me to document and share the amazing and special moments happening around me.
2.  Because there is always something new to learn or try, photography provides an outlet in my life that keeps me motivated, creative, and just plain happy!

My photographic style
The photos I love the most either convey an emotion, tell a story, share a milestone, or show a unique relationship. 

My Family
Patrick is... my amazing husband, a smart and loyal mechanical engineer, a father who knows how to horse-play and hug, and my #1 supporter.
Evan is... our first born, my "Mr. Social," almost always happy, a tractor/truck/car lover, and inline with his social personality he is a Mommy's boy, a Daddy's boy, a Papa's boy, a Me'ma's boy, a Nunnie's boy, and the checkout lady's boy.
Baby #2 is... TBD, and due in August 2011.
Winnie is... the dog. (Oh, poor neglected Winnie, before Evan came around she was our star performer.  You'll see her in a few photos, she'll be the hairy lump that Evan's sitting on, laying on, hitting, or throwing something at.)
Blue Fish is... the beta fish.  (He's alive for now, I suppose I'll have to update this part as necessary)

My background (well, photographically speaking)
Before Evan was born I worked as an engineer at a medical device company.  My experience there heightened my already analytical nature and as with everything else in my life, I wanted to learn how to improve my photography.  That's when, in 2004, I purchased my first DSLR camera (used).  What a great investment that was!  I learned so much with my Canon Rebel.  I spent hours on end reading about photography, taking photos, editing photos, and learning from my mistakes.

Fast forward to today... well, I still spend plenty of time learning about photography, taking photos, editing photos, and learning from my mistakes.  What's different is that I make far fewer mistakes, I have a specific editing process, and I have a few tricks up my sleeve.  Also, I now shoot with a different Canon camera (the other member of our family), it's a 5D Mark II and I love it!

Thanks for stopping by my blog!  I expect that it will continue to grow as both my family and my photography skills do.   If you have any questions or comments please feel free to reach out to me because I love to share my photography knowledge.
