Welcome to the Megan Johns Photography blog. You've come to the right place if you're interested in learning to improve your family photography skills. Here I'll share tips and tricks on photography and family photojournalism. Please feel free to leave a comment or send me an email with any questions you need answered.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Everyday Life - Fun in the tub!

Here's another one of my favorite shots of Evan from 2009.  Bath time is a great time to break out the camera when your kids are little.  Turn on some music, get out the toys, pour in some bubble bath and you're sure to some genuine and excited expressions from your little ones.  Here are a few other tips for making your bath tub photo shoot a success...
  • Since you'll be holding a camera instead of a wrangling a slippery kid, get someone else to help with the actual bath time monitoring.
  • Don't worry about getting the kiddos to look at the camera for every shot.  If fact I would say you should ask them to look at you for only a few shots.
  • Instead, allow the photo shoot to be about what they are having fun with... painting on the wall, dumping water on dad, eating bubbles... you get the picture.
  • Capture the details... naked tushies, bubbles in the hair on the nose or in the hands, and the mess on the floor!
  • Try different angles... get down low (as in the shot above), get over the action by straddling the tub (just don't get hurt!), zoom in, zoom out...
  • If you're a more advanced photog, use a flash gun on top of your camera but point it up at angle to bounce the light off of the walls/ceiling.
  • And as always with those sneaky kids, take lots of photos because you never know what they'll do next.  Just don't be afraid to let go of the shots that aren't great.  And yes, I do mean that it's okay to delete the pics of your kids that are not as good as others.  I know, you think there are no bad photos of your child.... well, we'll talk about that later!

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